

Feburary 15th

Todays workout was a bit different, it involved time intervals and goal number that must be reached to finish. After a strength focus on overhead squats. Our packed noon class tore into the workout leaving most of the athletes looking …

February 15, 2010

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Febuary 14th

Scott and Caroline spent their Valentines Day in the right place in my opinion…… at Rogue! No better way to work up a nice appetite for dinner than c2 rowing and some heavy front squats and push jerks!

3 …

February 14, 2010

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Febuary 13th

Today we had some awesome visitors come up from Firebreather fitness in West Virgina, and helped crank up the intensity during todays team workout! Team of three battled through high rep weight lifting, box jumps, and wall climbs. The team …

February 13, 2010

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February 12th

Today we introduced our athletes to some track agility work as a warm up. Speed work and agility will definitely improve your game as a Crossfitter, with balance and hip explosiveness. Next we tapped into a heavy powerlifting session where …

February 12, 2010

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Febuary 12th

Todays workouts started a little bit more laid back after a maximum intensity bench mark workout yesterday. After a strength focus involving weighted parallete push-ups and barbell rollouts. It was time to turn the intensity back on! Our athletes got …

February 11, 2010

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February 10th

Today was all about Maximum Power and Work Capacity. We tested the athletes today on the C2 rower with a quick short sprint of 500m. This was amazing to watch as we had multiple athletes clock in a time of …

February 10, 2010

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February 9th

The snow didn’t stop a good turn out to most of todays sessions. Graham came up with a real butt kicker today, but with proper scaling everyone got a really hard constant push from the workout. Graham battled Dave Ulmer …

February 9, 2010

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February 9th


9:30am all levels
11:00am strength & conditioning
12:00pm all levels
5:30pm all levels
6:30pm strength & conditioning
7:30pm all levels

Please drive safely and check here or Facebook for Rogue class …

February 9, 2010

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February 8th

After being snowed in for a few days the gym was packed with fresh and ready to rock Crossfitters! We fed their appetite with some skill and strength work on the Split Jerk and deadlift. This also served as a …

February 8, 2010

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Feburary 5th

****I hate to do this but class is canceled tomorrow due to the snow emergency, and also Sunday night for the SuperBowl. I expect everyone to be ready to hit it hard monday!****

Today’s workout brought back sumo style deadlifts …

February 5, 2010

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