

Feburary 5th

****I hate to do this but class is canceled tomorrow due to the snow emergency, and also Sunday night for the SuperBowl. I expect everyone to be ready to hit it hard monday!****

Today’s workout brought back sumo style deadlifts …

February 5, 2010

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5:30 pm class is canceled due to weather. The weather reported that the snow is going to be steady up until this evening. Stay updated on cancellation due to weather on facebook or www.https://localhost:8888/roguecolumbus/.…

February 5, 2010

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Feburary 4th

Todays workouts and strength and conditioning session were awesome! Athletes completed a barbell complex during the skill portion of our workouts today consisting of power cleans, push press, back squat and shoulder press. The workout was a an interesting blend …

February 4, 2010

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February 3rd

Athletes were a little confused when they didn’t start the WOD today with the traditional 3..2..1..GO! Instead we took a break from met-con and tapped into core, chest, grip, power, and explosiveness. We started out with some skill and core …

February 3, 2010

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Febuary 2nd

Todays workout was all about shocking the body as every movement we worked on had a high degree of difficulty. After our warm-up each class went through a muscle up progression on the rings. Todd and Chris each got their …

February 2, 2010

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February 1st

Athletes shot out the gates today banging out the first round of deadlifts, ripping off box jumps, and slamming D-balls so hard the guts were coming out. This is why you come to ROGUE, this is why you Crossfit. The …

February 1, 2010

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January 31

Our Sunday class is quickly becoming one of the best! Sara Dewberry and Mike Tarnapoll are looking ready for the sectional. They both had the fasted times of the day going above prescribed weight and doing chest to bar pull-ups!…

January 31, 2010

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January 30

There was a quiet mumble and grumble of the chilly weather and temperature of the gym as athletes came in today. But as we chipped away through the warm-up and started the WOD sweat beads were hitting the floor. We …

January 30, 2010

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January 29

Mainsite WOD
Complete as many reps as possible.

10 minutes- Handstand Pushups
5 minutes- Air Squats
2 minutes- Pullups
1 minute- Pushups


150- Burpees For Time!

To our surprise, we had some athletes actually pick the 150 Burpees!! Athletes …

January 29, 2010

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January 28

“Rogue Madness”

Today we put our athletes to the test! Balance, core, explosiveness, strength, endurance, and strategy. Basically, how good are you at Crossfit? The workout design allowed athletes to pick and choose a way to reach 1000 points. Each …

January 28, 2010

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