

October 24

We decided to take advantage of the nice evening and workout outside. The workout felt similar to a circuit with some odd movements, including renegade rows, heavy farmers carry, and sandbag running. But it seemed most people were caught up …

October 24, 2010

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October 23rd

If it says “AMRAP” on the board you can count on it being tough. Today’s athletes came in fearless and attacked this workout to their max. It is so inspiring to watch people give it a 100% effort day after …

October 23, 2010

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Today we had big fun classes and kick butt workout. Thanks to the hook up from, we have a ton of awesome weight vest’s that got put to use today. Walking lunges and double unders are taken to a …

October 22, 2010

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October 21st

Todays workout had a little bit of everything. Weighted (clean), gymnastic(ring dip), and mono (run) componets blended nicely into a butt kicker today. The AMRAP format allowed newer athletes to start finding the “pace” of time focus workouts. Drop ins …

October 21, 2010

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October 20th

Having experience and knowing how to game a tabata was clear advantage in todays workout. Less explosive endurance athletes faired very well in this test of muscular endurance! We had some fun classes today, big group at noon, and all …

October 20, 2010

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October 19th

Today’s skill session was used as a batting donut for the heavy and explosive workout! A steady ramp-up on squat clean thrusters served it’s purpose and got athletes bouncing around and jacked up. The workout was short, and fairly fast, …

October 19, 2010

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October 18th

Todays workout was a great test of total body muscular endurance. The first round of the workout was fast, but as hand release push-ups burnt out, and people started taking more time to think about the rope climbs the workout …

October 18, 2010

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October 17th

Rogue athletes were representing this weekend! Dave Ulmer and Crossfit Ohio sectional winner Dan Bailey ran the Men’s Health Urbanathlon in Chicago and placed very well in a large group of athletes! Chris Blannin and Matt Dowds each placed in …

October 17, 2010

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October 16th

Lots and lots of reps was the theme for today. The workout proved to be a great test of full body endurance and explosive strength. Good job to everyone who made it out today. Have a safe weekend. GO BUCKS!…

October 16, 2010

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October 15th

Rest intervals sometimes makes workouts harder. Today’s WOD “The Chief” was definitely one of those! Scheduled rest allowed athletes to attack each round hard. Keeping a fast pace through each round got increasingly difficult as the workout wore on.


October 15, 2010

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