
April 10, 2024

Thursday L2


:40 Active Hang

:40 Air Squat Hold

10 Snatch Grip RDLS (45/35)

8 Snatch Turnovers

:30 Back Squat Hold

:30 Bar Kips

5 Snatch LiftOffs

5 Hang Snatch Pulls

3 Power Snatch

:20 Overhead Squat Hold

:20 Toes to Bar + Pull-up



Snatch + Below The knee Snatch

7 x 1

New Set Every 1:30




For Time:

15 Minutes

As Many Reps As Possible

500/450m Row

20 Box Jump Overs w/ Step Down (24/20)

10 Toes To Bar

5 Chest to Bars


Elite: 10 Chest to Bars

Semis: RX

Quarters: 5 Toes to Bar


Stimulus Check:

Goal 3.5+ rounds. Looking to keep all the gymnastics unbroken each round going right from the toes to bar into the chest to bars.


Optional Additional Work Sessions

  • Only do additional training if you’re able to recover for next training session
  • Consistency before additional workloads, (5 Class workouts > 3 class workouts + additional work



Sumo Banded Box Squats

7 x 2 @ 55% +25% Across

New Set Every 1:00



Depth Drop to broad Jump

8 x 1

Drop off of 20″ Box when you land immediatly hit a broad jump


GHD Weighted Negative Glute Ham Raise

4 x 3

Rest 1:15 Between

Bear Hug a medicine Ball/ Plate contol the decent as slow as you can then have a partner help you reset


Dual Kettlebell Front Rack March

3 x 1:00 (Green/Blue)

Rest 2:00 Between


Banded GHD Sit-up

5 x 10 (Blue/Red)

Rest 1:00 Between

Move GHD to in front of rig. Place band at base of the rig then around your chest. Only go down to parallel here.


Extra Workout

For Time

3 Rounds:

8 Power Cleans (185)

12/9 Bar Muscle-ups

16 Handstand Push-ups

April 10, 2024