
July 26, 2024




For Time:

250m Row Buy-In

26 Box Jumps (24/20)

26 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups

26 Kettlebell Swings (53/35)

26 Front-Rack Lunges (95/65)

26 Ball Slams (40/30)

26 Toes to Bar

26 Push Presses (95/65)

26 Hang Power Cleans (95/65)

26 Wallball (20/14)- (10/9)

26 Burpees

26 Double Unders

250m Row Cash Out



For Time:

250m Row Buy-In

26 Box Jumps (24/20)

26 Pull-Ups

26 Kettlebell Swings (53/35)

26 Front-Rack Lunges (75/55)

26 Ball Slams (30/20)

26 Toes to Bar

26 Push Presses (75/55)

26 Hang Power Cleans (75/55)

26 Wallball (20/14)- (10/9)

26 Burpees

26 Double Unders

250m Row Cash Out 



For Time:

250m Row Buy-In

26 Box Jumps (24/20)

26 Ring Rows

26 Kettlebell Swings (44/26)

26 Front-Rack Lunges (45/35)

26 Ball Slams (30/20)

26 Knees to Chest

26 Push Presses (45/35)

26 Hang Power Cleans (45/35)

26 Wallball (14/10)- (10/9)

26 Burpees

26 Single Unders

250m Row Cash Out 


Carter Jack, of Upper Arlington, Ohio, died suddenly and unexpectedly at the age of 2.  His life, while all too short, was full of love, happiness, toy cars, applesauce, books, laughter, and immense joy and pride from his adoring family.  The 786 reps in this workout are a reminder of the 786 days that Carter lived with us.  To read more about Carter, view his memorial page here.”

July 26, 2024