
July 15, 2024

Tuesday L2


2:00 Target Game

Set monitor to 24 s/m and 1:55/2:05 Pace


3 Rounds:

:20 on/ :20 Off

#1: Low Ring Support Hold

#2: Low Ring Dip Hold

#3: Top of Ring Row Hold



Legless Rope Climb

7 x 1

New Set Every 1:00

Legless up and Controlled Legless Down

Start standing with no jump and control back until your feet touch the ground


Elite: Wear a weight vest

Quarters: Legless Up Regular down



15 Minutes

Every Minute On the Minute

#1: 18/14 Calorie Row

#2: 20 GHD Sit-ups

#3: 5 Ring Muscle-ups


Elite: 7 Ring Muscle-ups, 21/16 Calorie Row

Semis: RX

Quarters:3/1 Ring Muscle-up, 15 GHD Sit-ups


Stimulus Check:

Pick a number of Rings you can hold unbroken for 3 rounds


Optional Additional Work

Only do additional training if you’re able to recover for next training session

Consistency before additional workloads, (5 Class workouts > 3 class workouts +

additional work



Banded Strict Press

9 x 3 @ 50% + 25%

New Set Every 1:00


Band Reference

Orange= 1Rm<145

Red= 1Rm=145-200

Blue=1Rm= 200-280


Weighted Strict Ring Dips

4 x 10

Rest 1:00-1:30 Between

Must Be Unbroken


Behind the kneck Lat Pull-down

4 x 12

Rest 1:00 Between


5 Minutes

Handstand Walk Box Drill


Set up a 8′ x 8′ Square on the ground, walk forward, sideways, backward, then sideways again with the goal of it being unbroken

Elite: perform a 360 degree pirouette at each corner


For Time:

3 Rounds:

15 Chest to Bars

21 Dual Dumbbell bench Press (50/35s)

July 15, 2024