
July 2, 2024

Wednesday L2


400m Run


2 Rounds

8 Muscle-cleans

6 Front Squats

:30 GHD Hollow Hold



Block Clean


New Set Every 2:00

Progress to a heavy Single for the day

Set Block so the bar is Just above your knee while resting on it



15 Minutes

As Many Reps As Possible

400m Run

12 Power Cleans (135/95)

24 GHD Sit-ups


Elite: 15 Power cleans, 30 GHD Sit-ups

Semis: RX

Quarters: 115/75, 300m Run


Stimulus Check:

Looking for the barbell to be something we can hang on to for 2-3 sets with the GHDs being able to be done with less than 2 breaks. Overall Looking for a round to take 2:45-3:30


Optional Additional Work

Only do additional training if you’re able to recover for next training session

Consistency before additional workloads, (5 Class workouts > 3 class workouts +

additional work


Sled Drag

2 x 800m (135/90)

Rest 1:1

Walk Fast!



Reverse Hyper

4 x 10


Low Ring High Plank Weighted Hold

4 x :30

Rest 1:30 Between Rounds

Progressive on the Hypers


Strict Toes to Bar

4 x 6-10

Rest 1;00 Between



For Time:


Calorie SkiErg

100′ Handstand Walk After each Set

July 2, 2024