
September 16, 2022

Saturday Games Training


(Pause Split Jerk) 

3 x 2 

2 x 1 

  • Pause 2 seconds in dip + catch
  • New Set Every 2:00
  • Progressive





Build to today’s 3-RM Push Press

Use blocks on the Barbell side if possible, rather than dropping this to your front rack. If you don’t have blocks, be safe with these. 



For Time:

Row 2000/1600m


When the running clock reaches 10:00…


For time:

50/35 Calorie Bike


When the running clock reaches 14:00…


3 Rounds

15 Power Snatch (75/55)

15 Toes-to-Bar


When the running clock reaches 20:00…


For Time:

Row 2000/1600m


When the running clock reaches 30:00…


“Strict Diane”


Deadlift (225/155 lbs)

Strict Handstand Push-Ups 


Optional Additional Work Sessions

  • Choose additional work sessions that focus on your weaknesses. 
  • Only do additional training if your able to recover for next training session
  • Consistency before additional workloads, (5 Class workouts > 3 class workouts + additional work


Strength Accessory Option

For Quality:

400m Sandbag Carry (Bear Hug)

Go heavy, and take your time. WALK, do not run. The point is to accumulate time under tension and strengthen your posterior chain, embrace the slow grind of the walk and don’t get in a hurry.


September 16, 2022