
March 8, 2012


The thruster is such an awesome movement, we couldn’t just do it once…. find a 3 rep max!! Everyone looked very good on using the front rack position, good elbow position and exploding the hips to make the press out that much easier. The WOD today gave our athletes a chance to feel out some tired box jumps and burn the lungs up one more time before OPEN workout 12.3.

Remember to sign up for a time on the middle whiteboard so you are not standing around looking lost Saturday at 10 and 11am.

10 minutes
Find 3RM Thruster

7 rounds
5- KB Thrusters (L arm) (53/35)
5- KB Thrusters (R arm)
7- Hand release pushups
9- Box Jumps (24/20)

March 8, 2012