
January 5, 2012

January 5th

The overhead squat was our focus in the skill today. This lift/exercise is very high maintenance so it was good to hit in the skill and warm up with it before our WOD. This workout was pulled from and is an absolute beast! It will keep you busy and make you work hard the entire time. Outstanding effort if you made it through the doors today, be proud of getting through this.

Overhead Squat
*perform 3 reps every :90 seconds
**work on core tight, external rotation of shoulders, stretch the bar, knees out!

20 minute AMRAP
7- back squat (135/95)
10- Overhead KB hold (L) walking/alternating lunges (53/35)
7- burpees
10-Overhead KB hold (R) walking/alternating lunges (53/35)

Overhead Squat- 15 reps at bodyweight…. can you do it?

January 5, 2012