
August 24, 2011

August 24th

Today’s sessions focused on the deadlift. Setup position and technique were heavily stressed today. During the strength session we had several athletes hit personal records in each class. The workout was tough 8 minutes that left everyone sitting down when the workout was over. Great intensity in all of our sessions today!

Deadlift 10×1
1 lift every 90 seconds

Alternating Tabata
Deadlift (225/135) elite 275/135

– 16 total intervals of 20 seconds of work, 10 seconds of rest
– alternate between deadlifts and burpees (dl, burpee, dl, burpee…..) 8 intervals of each exercise
– Score lowest interval for each exercise
( Deadlift 7,7,7,6,6,5,5,4) score would be 4
– Score load on deadlift, and lowest interval for each deadlift and burpee (ex. 275, deadlift- 7, Burpee- 6)

Cool down
50 ab-mat situps

From August 24, 2011
From August 24, 2011
From August 24, 2011

470 plus 90 lbs in chains= 560 total (Kevin)

From August 24, 2011

August 24, 2011