
August 18, 2011

August 18th

Today we threw out some new twists to common CrossFit movements. Athletes were to perform static holds of handstands, top of pullup and top of the ring dip. This really challenged endurance and strength in a whole new way. Great effort and awesome improvement for many new athletes on their gymnastic skills!

Run approx. 1.5 Miles

3 Rounds
:30 sec handstand hold
Max reps handstand pushups
:30 sec chin over bar pullup hold
Max reps strict pullups
:30 sec top of ring dip hold
Max reps ring dips

*this workout had a 30 min cap. athletes can rest as needed in between sets. perform as many sets as needed to total :30 seconds on the holds. drop and shake out, then reset and perform max reps

August 18, 2011