
March 16, 2011

March 16th

With the Reebok Crossfit Open upon us Graham and I are changing up the programing a bit for the next 6 weeks. Not much will change except that Wednesdays WOD will be a little bit lighter on the volume and heavier on skill,mobility and technique work. We will be doing the Open workout of the week on Thursdays in all the classes. If your not participating in the Open, it’s not a big deal you’ll be able to scale and do the work along with the class as usual.
For athletes participating in the Open treat each week like it’s a normal training week. Plan on doing the workout once, and resuming your normal training. If we have a heavy squat day, squat heavy. Don’t allow the open workout to throw off you normal training. We are looking out for you guys, and want you to continue to improve across the board for the next six weeks.

That being said Juice, Jessica, and Mike T were our first 3 athletes do complete the Open workout! All three of them killed it!

7- 2 for 1 Wallball
14- Barbell overhead walking lunges

50 Kettlebell Russian twists (53/35)
40 Body wiper
30 Kettlebell sumo deadlift high pulls
20 double unders
10- 2 count alternating lunge jumps with kettlebell
20 double unders
30 Kettlebell sumo deadlift high pulls
40 body wipers
50 Kettlebell Russian twists

Juice and Jessica killin it!

From big pics

March 16, 2011