
September 3, 2010

September 3rd

Today we wrapped up the week with some skill work and big lifts with the split jerk. Our athletes found that when trusting their leg drive and drop in to the lunge, the lift became much easier. This lift requires a ton of focus, steady breath, and trust. Attempting to use all press strength will hurt your one rep max effort on the split jerk. The multi-stage fitness test turned out to be much more difficult then we thought. The athletes who were both able to keep a good pace and hang on mentally lasted the longest. Great work today!

**** Monday 10 AM class only, 11 AM elements only.******

Split Jerk- 7×1

Multi Stage Fitness Test
The test involves running continuously between two points that are 20 m apart. These runs are synchronized with a pre-recorded audio tape, CD or laptop software, which plays beeps at set intervals. As the test proceeds, the interval between each successive beep reduces, forcing the athlete to increase their speed over the course of the test, until it is impossible to keep in sync with the recording (or, in rare occasions, if the athlete completes the test).

The recording is typically structured into 21 ‘levels’, each of which lasts around 62 seconds. Usually, the interval of beeps is calculated as requiring a speed at the start of 8.5 km/h, increasing by 0.5 km/h with each level thereafter. The progression from one level to the next is signaled by 3 rapid beeps. The highest level attained before failing to keep up is recorded as the score for that test.

September 3, 2010