
August 28, 2010

August 28th

We had a great turnout today and we decided to go with a team workout. Using teams of 3 the WOD called for the athletes to work together to chip away at several skilled movements. The final OH walking lunges and 1/2 mile run with the weight plate added a tough finish for our Saturday WOD. See you this evening at “Fittest man on Earth” party!!!

Teams of 3
*Complete each couplet before moving on
**Split reps evenly between team members, 2 people working at same time

150- Back Squat Jumps (45/35)
90- KB Swings (53/35)

150- Donkey Kicks
60- Burpees

500m Run Backwards

150- Thrusters (45/35)
300- Jump Rope

5.) Each team member does:
50- OH walking lunges (25/10)
800m Run with plate

August 28, 2010