
November 12, 2012




Exercise: Deadlift/lbs
Reps: 5×3
Comment: – New set every 3 Minutes
– Work up to 90% of 1 rm


5 Rounds for time
5 Hang power cleans 185/115
10 Burpees

Result Type: Time
Male Rx: 185 lbs
Female Rx: 115 lbs
Comment: This is a sprint wod go fast!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



We will have some schedule changes for next week which is a holiday week. Wednesday the day before thanksgiving we will not have any pm classes. Thursday Thanksgiving we will be closed all day. Friday we will have no am classes but will have a noon and 5:30 class. Saturday we will be closed as well for the OSU Michigan noon home game due to no available parking. It will be the last of the home games and we will be back on regular Saturday schedule for the rest of the year! Email [email protected] with any questions you may have.

November 12, 2012