
November 9, 2012




Exercise: Hang Power Snatch/lbs
Reps: 2
Comment: EMOTM x 10 minutes
2- Hang power snatch (below the knee)


Every 3 minutes complete the task, :30 sec transition;
30- burpees (*hand release)
30- pull-ups (*CTB)
60- double unders (*unbroken)
30- hang power snatch- below the knee (95/65)
60- double unders (*unbroken)
30- pull-ups (*CTB)
30- burpees (*hand release)

Each task= 10 points
at least 15/30 reps= 5 points
SCORE total pts earned as REPS
*SCALE UP version task= 20pts. 15/30 = 10pts.
Athletes can choose or go back and forth between Rx and *SCALE UP
140pt maximum

Result Type: AMRAP
Male Rx: 0 lbs
Female Rx: 0 lbs

November 9, 2012