
October 7, 2011

October 7th

Lateral movement can be difficult to test, which is probably the reason we don’t see that often in Crossfit workouts. Today we revisited a skill session from a few Saturday’s ago “Death by lateral 5m shuffle.” Athletes had to shuffle to their left 5M then right 5m, each new minute meant and extra shuffle each way. Add this to your warm-up, skill session or try it as your WOD to add some lateral movement to your Crossfit regime!

Death by 5m lateral shuffle
Shuffle left 5m, then shuffle right 5m on minute 1
Shuffle left 5 m, then right 5m two time times on minute 2
– Keep increasing the number of shuffles each minute until you cannot keep up

As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes
10 Deadlift 135/85
10 Bent over row
10 Floor Press
10 Floor wipers

October 7, 2011