
October 1, 2011

October 1st

Today we had a packed Saturday open gym and 11am class session. We did a fun partner workout that called for some awkward movements such as bumper plate ground to overhead (similar to a ball slam or wood chopper). The hardest movement was by far the weighted squats. Hugging a bumper plate while doing a squat is a whole lot of fun 🙂

WOD- teams of 2
50- Sumo Deadlift High Pull (115/75)
4- Rope Climbs (12.5 ft)
100- Ground to Overhead with bumper plate (45/25)
4- Rope Climbs
150- Squats (holding bumper plate to chest- 45/25)
4- Rope Climbs
200- Donkey Kicks
4- Rope Climbs

*1 person working while other rests

October 1, 2011