
September 14, 2011

September 14th

If we look at top athletes especially crossfit athletes often times what sets them apart is their ability maintain a pace similar to their first round, quarter,…. throughout the entire game! Athletes that appear to get stronger as the game goes on are just able to start, stop, and go again at a pace thats close to when they are fresh. Today’s workout trains this ability by scoring the athletes worst interval as their score. This teaches athletes to maintain a top speed and pace throughout each rowing sprint interval!

7. 7. 7
(goals is 7 unbroken muscle ups, 2 minute rest, repeat two more times.)
12 Minutes as many rounds as possible
5 muscle up transitions
5 kipping swings on the rings
5 CTB pull-ups
5 ring dips

8 250m intervals
– Rest 1:30 between each interval
– Score slowest interval
* A good strategy when first attempting this workout is to row your first interval as fast as possible. Then attempt to stay as close to that number as possible or use that number to pace your following rows. Your first interval should never be your slowest and should always be your fastest because you cannot improve your score beyond your first interval.

From September 14, 2011

September 14, 2011