
February 14, 2014


Main – CrossFit

Warm-up #1 (No Measure)

4 Rounds
:15 Low jump (onto 45lbs plate)
:15 Push-up
:15 Ab mat sit-up
:15 Alternating lunge
30 Air squat w/ bands
20 Roll overs
30 Overhead pvc squats with bands
4 Rounds
: 15 Plank
: 15 Plank L
: 15 Plank R
: 15 Superman

CrossFit Games Open 11.2 (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

15-Minute AMRAP of:
9 Deadlifts, 155# / 100#
12 Push-ups
15 Box Jumps, 24″ / 20″
Show control at the top of the box jumps (was not the standard in 2011, but currently is)

February 14, 2014