
February 15, 2012

February 15th

Today we took a break from the barbell and focused on moving our bodies. Our skill session focused on the sometimes overlooked skill in the pull-up. Once athletes are able to do kipping pull-ups they can take them for granted or believe they have checked that skill off the list. Just like weight lifting developing skill in gymnastic movements takes time and refinement. Today was one of those day’s to take a step from using a band to finally get a kipping pull-up, or finally getting those butterfly’s down!

kipping and butterfly Pull-up

5 rounds
3 Weighted pull-ups
5 strict pull-ups
7 kipping pull-ups
* try to stay on the bar for the entire set without dropping

40- Walking lunge
30-hand release push-ups
20- Ring rows
10-Burpee box jumps 24/20
* 20/12 vest

February 15, 2012