
April 26, 2011

April 26th

Rain or shine we took the workout outside for most of the sessions. The strongman/power circuit is a great way to warm up the body. Especially going into some big lifts! We had some new members setting some great baseline numbers for their 3RM deadlift. Take care of those backs, foam roller, LAX ball and some ice will help speed up recovery. Great day to be at Rogue!

1 mile run
20- Pullups (chest to bar)

Power Circuit
Sled Push
Sled Pull
Battle Ropes
Box/tire jumps
Farmers carry
Double KB Swings

10 minutes
3 Deadlifts on the minute
*record lightest and heaviest load

Dave Ulmer- 315-405
Phil Tassi- 315- 375
Jake Fanning-315- 375

Lousia Mezache- 185- 225
Amanda Eiler- 155-195
Erica Drennen- 155-195

April 26, 2011