
October 24, 2010

October 24

We decided to take advantage of the nice evening and workout outside. The workout felt similar to a circuit with some odd movements, including renegade rows, heavy farmers carry, and sandbag running. But it seemed most people were caught up on the wallball portion of the WOD. Great effort from everyone this evening and be ready to have a solid week of workouts leading up to our Halloween WOD next Saturday!!

3 Sets
Max Reps Bent over Row (95/55)
10- Alternating Pistols

5 Rounds
Row 150m
20- Wallball
Farmers carry (50m) (70/53-KB)
20- Renegade Row (35/20lbs)
Sandbag run 150m (40/20lbs)

From 10-24-10
From 10-24-10

October 24, 2010