
October 17, 2010

October 17th

Rogue athletes were representing this weekend! Dave Ulmer and Crossfit Ohio sectional winner Dan Bailey ran the Men’s Health Urbanathlon in Chicago and placed very well in a large group of athletes! Chris Blannin and Matt Dowds each placed in the top 10 of their age groups in the half marathon running at a pace’s in the high 6:30’s/low 6:40’s. I got a chance to see Josh P and Erica D running in the marathon kicking butt as well. Inspiring and really high level performances by some really cool people!
Our workout at the gym today was a test of endurance and explosive strength. A 1 mile run followed by 30 power snatches at 115 is a great test of Crossfit horsepower! Mike Tarnapoll torched the workout in 7:47 rx’d, with 5 touch and go snatches to finish!

Snatch Complex- 3×3
Snatch grip deadlift
Power snatch
Overhead Squat
Snatch Balance

1 mile run
30 Power Snatches 115/75

* The mile run here is measured out at about .85- .9 miles so slightly shorter

From October 17th
From October 17th

October 17, 2010