

December 24th

Today’s session’s were most athletes first workout back from a few days off. Class sizes were all over the place so the workout was done two different ways. For our really big and really small classes we used the same …

December 27, 2010

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Today’s workout was borrowed/stolen from our friends at Crossfit Pori! Three mini AMRAP’s with 2 minute breaks allowed athletes to move quickly through a variety of movements! Everyone who came in today got alot of work done!

Push Press …

December 26, 2010

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December 23rd


Have a safe weekend!

****** NO CLASS FRIDAY (12/24 or 12/25) ******

Rogue welcomed all the Christmas Crossfitters with a twist on the 12 Days of Christmas.

On the 12th day of Christmas, Rogue Fitness gave to me……

December 23, 2010

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December 22nd

**************************** No Class Friday or Saturday due to Christmas*************************************

Todays workout kind of came about by accident. It was planned as simple interval rows, and changed last minute to an epic partner workout. Partner workouts always seem to get that …

December 22, 2010

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December 21st

Today we had a great strength session with the sumo deadlift. This is a great switch up for CrossFit athletes from the conventional deadlift. With shorter range of motion, the sumo stance can allow athletes to pull a heavier load.…

December 21, 2010

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December 20th

Todays workout was based off a main site workout from a few months ago. The workout featured a thruster push-up combo that left athletes wondering how the push-ups felt harder than the thrusters toward the end of the workout. Jake …

December 20, 2010

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Midwest Hopper Challenge

Yesterday in Ann Arbor Michigan Doug Chapman ran an awesome Crossfit competition at his gym Hyperfit USA. The entire event ran very smoothly. The movement standards were clear for the judges and athletes. The events were challenging, exposed weakness and …

December 19, 2010

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December 18th

We had a solid group this morning at Rogue. The first test was to find a 3 rep max overhead squat against a 12 minute time cap. Awesome effort from everyone and great job on all the new PR’s! The …

December 18, 2010

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December 17th

Since today was my birthday and I turned 26, getting old :(. I decided to give the Rogue members a nice b-day back blasting workout using some relevant numbers (12-17-1984). It was a long grinder that demands a ton of …

December 17, 2010

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December 16th

The ultimate upper body workout/test is what Rogue members experienced today. Achieving full range of motion and keeping the movements strict is what really makes the 5 rounds challenging. This WOD can also be used as a great way to …

December 16, 2010

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