
December 17, 2010

December 17th

Since today was my birthday and I turned 26, getting old :(. I decided to give the Rogue members a nice b-day back blasting workout using some relevant numbers (12-17-1984). It was a long grinder that demands a ton of HEART and some low back strength would help 😉 The noon class pushed hard and managed to yell out “time!” just past the 30 min mark. Better bring your ‘A’ game this evening Rogue athletes. Be safe and enjoy the weekend!

3×5 Good Mornings
3×5 Double KB Swing

12- Rounds
17- KB eye level Swings (53/35)
1- Rope Climb
9- Deadlifts (205/115)
8- Box Jumps (24″/20″)
4- Burpees
Finish with…
26- Row (calories)

December 17, 2010