
Games Training WOD

Friday Games Training

Main – CrossFit L2

Back Squat (3 x 3)

Set #1 70%
Set #2 80%
Set #3 90%
New set every 2:00

Metcon (Time)

3 Rounds
100 double unders
30 Pistols
Row 30 calories

Muscle-ups (3 x max reps)


June 12, 2014

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Thursday Games Training

Main – CrossFit L2

Deadlift (3 x 3)

New set every 3:00
Set #1 70%
Set #2 80%
Set #3 90%

Power Clean (3,2,1 3,2,1)

Set #1 80% Set #4 82.5%
Set #2 85% Set #5 87.5%
Set #3 90%

June 11, 2014

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Wednesday Games Training

Main – CrossFit L2

10 Min EMOM 5 Pull Ups 10 Push Ups 15 Squats (No Measure)

10 Min EMOM
5 Pull Ups
10 Push Ups
15 Squats

Push Jerk (5 x 3)

New set every 2:00

Metcon (No

June 10, 2014

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Tuesday Games Training

Main – CrossFit L2

Front Squat (3 x 3)

Set #1 70%
Set #2 80%
Set #3 90%


Post squat
7 Minutes to complete
3 x 15 Banded Good mornings

Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

Alternating Tabata
16 Intervals
: …

June 9, 2014

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Monday Games Training

Main – CrossFit L2

Snatch (3,2,1,3,2,1)

– New set every 2:00
– Snatch wave
– Improve approx 5lbs off waves from last week

Set #1 80% Set #4 82.5%
Set #2 85% Set #5 87.5 %
Set #3 90% Set …

June 8, 2014

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Friday Games Training

Main – CrossFit L2

Back Squat (3×5)

New Set Every 2 Minutes

Every 2 Minutes
3×5 Glute Ham Raises

Metcon (No Measure)

Every Minute on the Minute for 10 Minutes
4 Strict Handstand Push Ups off Paralletes…

June 5, 2014

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Thursday Games Training

Main – CrossFit L2

Deadlift (3×5)

New Set Every 2 Minutes

Power Clean (3,2,1 3,2,1)

New set every 2:00
Set #1 3@ 80%
Set #2 2@ 85%
Set #3 1@ 90%
– Try to improve of the

June 4, 2014

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Wednesday Games Training

Main – CrossFit L2

Push Press (5×5)

Ramp Up to a Heavy Set of 5
New Set Every 2 Minutes

Metcon (No Measure)

Every Minute on the Minute for 15 Mintues
1 Legless Rope Climb 16/12

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds

June 3, 2014

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Tuesday Games Training

Main – CrossFit L2

Front Squat (3 x 5)

New set every 2:00
Set #1 65%
Set #2 75%
Set #3 85%

Romanian Deadlift (3 x 7)

New set every 2:00

Metcon (Time)

For Time
Run 400m
50 Toe …

June 2, 2014

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Monday Games Training

Main – CrossFit L2

Squat Snatch (3,2,1, 3,2,1)

New set every 2:00
Set #1 3@ 80%
Set #2 2@ 85%
Set #3 1@ 90%
– Try to improve of the first wave on the second wave

Metcon (Time)

For Time…

June 1, 2014

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