

March 30th

We placed high focus on deadlift technique and it paid off. Phil and Joel nailed new PR’s pulling 365 and 345, respectively. Newcomer Dustin Wilson managed to lift 2x his bodyweight when he pulled 315 lbs. In between evening sessions …

March 30, 2010

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March 29th

“This is gonna suck.” Was said multiple today before the workout started. The workout was a tough barbell complex that got really tough as the rounds passed by. There were a alot of notable performances today Dave Ulmer using 185, …

March 29, 2010

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March 28th

This Sunday we had a class full of athletes who brought their A game to the table. Everyone did a really good job of not coasting at any point during the workout, which can be very tempting during AMRAP workouts. …

March 28, 2010

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March 27th

It was nice to see our friend Jeff Richardson drop in today for the workout today! He did an awesome job and brought his A game to fun but long workout! We tried a new rep scheme that turned a …

March 27, 2010

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March 26th

Today was a great test on how strong you are against gravity. Heavy shoulder to overhead and burpees. Intensity was off the charts today in both group sessions. Technique produced some of the fastest times but for others raw strength …

March 26, 2010

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March 25th

We might as well have called this benchmark week. Today we took on Crossfit girl “Elizabeth”. This workout is very challenging to complete with full range of motion squat cleans and the gymnastic element of ring dips. Great work on …

March 25, 2010

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March 24th

Helen= Crossfit Cardio. It was an great day out to run. The intensity during the 5:30 class was off the hook. Alex pushed Dave Ulmer every step of the way in the during the 5:30 workout. The class was packed …

March 24, 2010

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March 23rd

After a workout attacking weaknesses and skills it was time to hit a hard a met-con. This workout had everyone pushing to their max as they kept racing the clock to finish up those box jumps.

“That workout was INTENSE!” …

March 23, 2010

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March 22nd

Today we took everyone out of their comfort zone! The art of scaling was used by all of our athletes in order to get through the tricky Crossfit benchmark “Mary”. The 7:30 class was rockin tonight and got a shot …

March 22, 2010

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March 21st

Have you ever wondered why Crossfit athletes seem to have a cage of muscle around their stomachs, yet never do crunches or ab ripper routines. The simple answer is mid-line stabilization, which come from workouts like the one we did …

March 21, 2010

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