

April 12th

Today we introduced some new equipment to our workouts. Huge tires! Our strength skill session introduced the tire flip. With our tall and heavy tires the movement is almost a sumo deadlift into a hang power clean. Everybody got down …

April 12, 2010

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April 10th

Today was ideal workout weather, sun shining clear sky and a touch cool. After skill work in the snatch and overhead squat our athletes tore into a nice long Saturday chipper style workout! Everybody pushed hard today!

Snatch …

April 10, 2010

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April 9th

Wrapping up another great week at Rogue we hammered technique on Olympic Lifting. Athletes were still a little shook up from the Rogue Total 2 days before, but seemed to loosen up quickly and were nailing some heavy cleans. OSU …

April 9, 2010

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April 8th

Today’s skill work was fun but awkward. Turkish get-ups are a skill that we use every so often but today athletes were forced to try this tricky exercise with dumbells, kettlebells, barbells, and the toughest of all dynamax balls! This …

April 8, 2010

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April 7th

Today was an amazing day here at Rogue Fitness! After a warm up in the nice weather our athletes completed the “Rogue Total!” The Rogue Total is a one rep max of the front squat, press, and deadlift with the …

April 7, 2010

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April 6th

Today we decided to dust off the rowers which hadn’t been used in a while and hit a 500M sprint for time! Many of us seemed to forget what it felt like and were still gasping air minutes later as …

April 6, 2010

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April 5th

It was an exciting day at Rogue, Larry Miller was back from his cruise and most of the membership had taken the weekend off to spend time with thier families. It was back to business today and each class was …

April 5, 2010

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March 3rd

The Rogue athletes were put to the test today with high rep ground to overhead and walking on their hands. Good core control and shoulder stability played a huge part on getting through the big sets of wall climbs. Brian …

April 3, 2010

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March 2nd

The sun was shining and some Rogue bodies were getting HOT!! We decided to embrace the wonderful day and take the WOD outside. The noon class was intense and did a great job of pushing each other. Our new Crossfitters …

April 2, 2010

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April 1st

Another amazing day of 75 degree weather brought on fine performances and fun a atmosphere! Allan got a muscle up at 6:30 strength and conditioning adding to our growing list of members in the muscle up club. Our workout tested …

April 1, 2010

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