

April 22nd

Agility, core stabilization and explosiveness was our theme for the day. We started with nice agility warm up outside in the sunshine. Once we got our athletes sweating it was time to put their core to the test. Turkish get …

April 22, 2010

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April 21st

Total body butt kicker today! A blend of clean and jerks and Cindy rounds had some of our athletes completing near their 20 minute Cindy totals with the addition of 20 clean and jerks in under 20 minutes. Chad had …

April 21, 2010

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April 20th

What an amazing day at Rogue Fitness, it was one of the highest energy days this year! With the nice weather, regionals and the affiliate cup quickly approaching the energy in the building has gone through the roof!! The WOD …

April 20, 2010

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April 19th

We took full advantage of the nice weather and moved the entire workout outside. After seeing of a new move on we decided to toss it into our WOD. This workout was definitely more challenging then it looked on …

April 19, 2010

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April 18th

Today was packed full of athletes looking to get after it! The workout was a battle, but everybody brought their A games today and really pushed hard!

Warm up
20 yards down and back
high knees
butt kickers
samson stretch …

April 18, 2010

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April 17th

Beautiful Saturday, packed gym, weights banging, sweat flying around and intensity!

Rogue was packed with all of the above and then some. We had some new members join in on their first Saturday WOD and it didn’t disappoint.

With the …

April 17, 2010

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April 16th

Today we revisited a skill that had been neglected a bit lately the overhead squat! After some early shakiness most of our athletes started getting those hip back and sitting down nice and low! The workout was deceptively difficult. The …

April 16, 2010

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April 15th

2009 Crossfit Games Champion Tanya Wagner had a speech featured in the Crossfit Journal discussing scaling up for elite athletes. It went right along with our workout today which was very easily scaled to any fitness level and easily scaled …

April 15, 2010

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April 14th

I knew our membership was in shape but dang! The workout today was Fran, the vast majority of the classes did the workout as prescribed and almost everyone was close. We had a couple times under three minutes including trainer …

April 14, 2010

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April 13th

When you fit 30 clean and jerks with 155, 100+ ace push ups (chest to kettlebell inside grip on the kettlebell), and 100+ tall swings with a 53 lbs kettlebell in a 15 minute workout “Your doin work!” That exactly …

April 13, 2010

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