

May 17th

Todays workout had a competition feel to it. It was easy to measure and judge and also brutal when done quickly. Our athletes really hit this workout hard today!

Back Squat-5×3

7 Rounds
7- Sumo deadlift high pulls …

May 17, 2010

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May 15th

After watching and experiencing this brutal workout last weekend at the Central East Regional Qualifier, we thought the group at Rogue should have the opportunity as well. The title fits this workout perfectly as the athletes just keep on chipping …

May 15, 2010

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May 14th

Today’s sessions were dynamic workouts that tested athletes ability to be explosive over time. The warm-up was outdoor speed and agility, and the workout was an explosive version of the Crossfit benchmark workout Cindy. Athletes pushed really hard especially toward …

May 14, 2010

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May 13th

Todays workout was similar to a heavy Elizabeth with power cleans. After a front squat strength workout athletes moved very quickly through the workout of the day. It was short and intense!

Front Squat
Touch and go power …

May 13, 2010

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May 12th

Our focus in the skill today was dropping fast under the bar into a full squat clean. The movement was started in the hang position forcing faster hip explosion and a quick elbow sweep. For a WOD today we used …

May 12, 2010

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May 11th

Today workout was a heavy met-con. Athletes did a good job of riding the line of intensity and technique. Times on this workout were not as important today as some people opted for heavier slower versions of the workout while …

May 11, 2010

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May 10th

It was back to business today with a little mix of strength and cardio. Everybody came back today with a vengeance and attacked this workout like it was the regional. Great job getting back in the swing of things today!…

May 10, 2010

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May 6th

We took a break from the legs today and worked core stability and upper-body endurance. This workout has popped up on Crossfit mainsite before and can be very challenging with full range of motion. 15 year old Kasee McDougle put …

May 6, 2010

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May 5th

After a few days of longer workouts today was fast and explosive! 30 clean and jerks for time. We had athletes scale to a weight they felt they could do the workout in under 5 minutes! We wanted it to …

May 5, 2010

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May 4th

An empty 45 lbs bar doesn’t look too intimidating until you’ve done 125 jumping squats with one during a workout. Today workout was deceptively hard as the jumping squats sapped your energy before max rep knees to elbows/sit-up/ and burpees! …

May 4, 2010

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