

October 1st

Barbell Roll-outs
superset with
3×20 Abmat Sit-ups

Top Scores:
Matt Dowds- 13:19
Dave Ulmer- 16:02 (25lb vest)
Caroline Hunter- 20:13

Walking Lunge 100m (Run 100m)
10- jumping squats (45/35)
Walking Lunge 80m (Run 80m)
20- jumping squats…

October 1, 2010

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September 30th

The skill set today allowed athletes to really dial-in the use of their legs on the shoulder to overhead press/jerk. A rather simple looking lift can sometimes be the toughest ones to get right. Timing and speed will makes all …

September 30, 2010

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September 29th

Strong legs, back, and hips are the foundation of athletic movement, today we put those to the test ! Deadlifts and goblet squats proved to be a tough and grueling combo, but it also allowed athletes to move consistently the …

September 29, 2010

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September 28th

After a brutal day of barbell work we laid off the weights and threw our bodyweight around for a WOD. Again, we used the hand release at the bottom of the push-up (standard from 2010 CrossFit games) and it crushes …

September 28, 2010

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September 27th

No place to hide with this workout. This WOD puts your barbell skills to the test. It also requires a high demand of grip strength, hip explosiveness and mental toughness. We pulled this workout from and have it marked …

September 27, 2010

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September 23rd

*** All classes are on this weekend, however the blog will not be updated until Monday****

Today at Rogue really tested an athletes capacity to do work. First we work heavy back squats. This simple movement can do so much …

September 23, 2010

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Septemeber 22

Getting weight from ground to overhead efficiently and quickly was our entire focus today. Our WOD was a Miko Salo favorite, “Death by Clean and Jerk”! Athletes start with one lift on the minute and continue to increase by one …

September 22, 2010

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September 21st

Lately we have been spending some more time on the C2 rowers preparing our athletes for the winter. Then we get nailed with a 90 degree day!! Alex Whitsel posted a blistering :39.4 sec 250m row, that is flat out …

September 21, 2010

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Septemeber 20th

Todays workouts concentrated on a heavy strength session. Front squats in a varied rep scheme for load attacked each athletes mid-line and ability to explode out of the hole. The WOD was light, fast, and had the feel of running …

September 20, 2010

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September 19th

Today’s Sunday funday workout was intense. We had a great turnout and everyone was ready to get after it! A long run into a light fast AMRAP had everyone pushing hard and fast for 20 minutes. There were quite a …

September 19, 2010

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