

December 5th

Any time you move weight through a large range of motion for high reps your going to have a tough workout on your hands. Today thats exactly what we did with a couplet of sumo deadlift high pulls and thrusters. …

December 5, 2010

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December 4th

Today’s workout at the Rogue warehouse was epic. Invite only, 3 Crossfit World Champions, multiple games competitors, and a few local heavy hitters! The workout was “Miagi” a Bill Henniger workout cooked up several years ago. I would compare it …

December 4, 2010

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December 3rd

Todays WOD was a conditioning grinder testing an athletes ability to push a pace for over 20 minutes. Strategy was also involved as athletes were allowed to pick and choose how to break up the reps on the movements. Great …

December 3, 2010

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December 2nd


This was a spicy little workout that Dave Ulmer put together for our Rogue athletes today. Single arm KB press and suitcase hold walking lunges were no joke! Having a strong core is what really made a difference …

December 2, 2010

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December 1st

In Crossfit workouts Olympic lifts are often used at lighter loads and done for multiple reps. Doing these lifts for repetition without releasing the bar it a skill on it’s own. Today we took time to focus on the touch …

December 1, 2010

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November 30th

Today was a strong focus on one of the most fundamental movements in CrossFit….the squat. An athlete’s ability to squat is so vital to full body strength, core, and transfer of power. Our skill session taught our athletes to move …

November 30, 2010

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November 29th

Todays workout was a great test of athleticism and wind. Kettlebell swings and lateral jumps proved to be a tough couplet for many athletes! The 50 pull-up finish at the end of the WOD a test on it’s own as …

November 29, 2010

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November 28th

Today we kicked things off with a mile warm-up run. Even though it’s getting colder make sure you bring sweatshirts or jackets just in case! Overhead squats were todays main focus! Dawn Elsa killed the workout today and went above …

November 28, 2010

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November 27th

Have a safe weekend, eat lots of turkey….GO BUCKS!

Push Press

Teams of 2
80- Overhead Walking Lunge (25/10 lb plate)

1 team member-
400m Row
1 team member- max rounds of
7- shoulder to …

November 27, 2010

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November 26th

Great effort from all who came out this afternoon. Amazing job by our drop in CrossFitters and even some new members really getting after it! Now back to eating more turkey and pumpkin pie.


2 person teams complete:
100- …

November 26, 2010

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