

January 7th

Today we took a break from the clock and did a full on strength workout. Back squats done in a super sets with with weighted push ups. High bar back squats with a minimal lean forward was encouraged. These type …

January 7, 2011

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December 6th


6:00am Class Canceled

9:30am Rogue Yoga is on
11:00am Elements is on
12noon class is on

The WOD today was fun and fast! Having the ability to rebound box jump will really cut down your workout time and help …

January 6, 2011

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Today was packed full of great performances! Some of our second generation Rogue athletes are approaching a full year of training and are getting flat out good! Our strength session was finding a 3rm Push jerk in 10 minutes. Jake …

January 5, 2011

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January 4th

Benchmark workouts always get people’s engines fired up! Today we took on a Elizabeth. This workout is a great combo of weightlifting and gymnastics. The 5:30 class was packed with everyone trying to get their WOD on before the big …

January 4, 2011

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January 3rd

Today was most of our athletes first workout of the New Year. Most of the classes were packed full of people ready to get themselves ultra fit this year! Kettlebell snatches and pull ups were the couplet today and some …

January 3, 2011

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January 2nd

Today we welcomed the new year with a workout inspired by the 2009 Crossfit Games. Three rounds of 30 overhead squat and 30 Wallball was a tough but more manageable combination in a mixed level format than the 30 squat …

January 2, 2011

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December 31st

We had a great turnout today at 12noon. The packed class brought awesome intensity, made some big lifts in the deadlift skill session, and pushed it hard through the WOD. The workout had some basic movements and we threw in …

December 31, 2010

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December 30th

Friday (New Years Eve)
6:00am- All-levels
9:30am- Yoga
11:00am- Open Gym/lifting
12:00pm- All-levels

*NO 5:30pm CLASS

Have a safe and Happy New Year!!

We have been focusing hard on the Olympic lifts for the past few weeks. Today it really …

December 30, 2010

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December 29th

Todays sprint workout was a great change of pace, but it was very tricky. C2 rowing into burpees into shoulder to overhead presses made the barbell feel about twice as heavy. Jerking weight off the back was an effective method …

December 29, 2010

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December 28th

The ability to climb a rope is a skill that every individual should possess. Climbing a rope has SO MUCH to do with technique and not so much pull and arm strength as people would think. Today’s workout put our …

December 28, 2010

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