
May 6, 2014

Wednesday Games Training

Main – CrossFit L2

Bench Press (3×5)

New Set Every 2 Minutes
1st set 65%
2nd set 75%
3rd set 85%+
3rd set max reps without failing


Every Minute On the Minute for 5 Minutes
1 Legless Rope Climb

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

5 Rounds of
3 Minutes As Many Rounds As Possible
3 Burpee 6 ” Jump and Touch
5 Toes To Bar
7 Wall Ball 30/20
1 Minute Rest Between Rounds
Pick Up Where You Left Off

I learned how to do efficient legless climbs from this video around 6 years ago. Techniques have improved a bit since but it was during this time (2007-2009) I used Crossfit’s library of videos to develop alot of the techniques that I now share with you guys everyday! Check out their youtube channel it’s still a great resource!

May 6, 2014