
April 30, 2014

Thursday Games Training

Our Regional Athletes are now on a separate track of programming specific to individually training them for the events at Regionals until after Regionals. Programming below is for all of our L-2 athletes daily training.

Main – CrossFit L2

Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

As Many Reps As Possible in 10 Minutes
Wall Ball ascending ladder
with 10 Overhead Kettlebell Swings in between each set of wall ball 70/53
*score equals total wall ball

Snatch (1×1)

15 Rounds
new round every 90 seconds
1 round equals 1 power snatch, 1 hang squat snatch, 1 full snatch
progressive ramp up

From May 1, 2014
From May 1, 2014
From May 1, 2014

April 30, 2014