
March 6, 2014


Main – CrossFit

Warm-up #3 (No Measure)

Jump Rope 5:00
4 Rounds
:15 Jumping Jack
:15 Squat
:15 Mountain Climber
:15 Jump Squat
4 Rounds
:15 Plank
:15 Side Plank – L
:15 Side Plank – R
:15 Superman

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

10 Rounds
As many rounds as possible in 1 minute
5- Wallball 20/14
5- Box Jumps 24/20
Rest 1 minute
Pick up where the last round left off. Score total rounds and reps

Extra Credit

For Skill
5 Rounds
2- Deadlift
2- Power clean
2- Front squat
2- Push press
2- Push jerk
2- Back squat
2- Overhead squat
2- Snatch
– Choose loading that allows you to move smoothly through the complex and execute good technique. Do not exceed 135/95

March 6, 2014