
February 26, 2014

Olympic Weightlifting

Main – Olympic Weightlifting

30-20-30 w/ Bands (No Measure)

30 Air squats
20 Rollovers
30 Overhead squats
w/ Bands
:2 Down
:2 Up

Snatch Warm- Up #1 (No Measure)

3 rounds
3-Power snatch 45/35
3- Power snatch + Overhead squat
3- Snatch balance

Snatch warm-up #2 (No Measure)

3 rounds
3- High hang snatch 45/35
3- Hang snatch above knee
3- Hang snatch below the knee

Hang snatch (below knee) (15 x 1)

15 Rounds
Every :90 one hang snatch below the knee
– Progressively ramp to a heavy single

February 26, 2014