
May 11, 2010

May 11th

Today workout was a heavy met-con. Athletes did a good job of riding the line of intensity and technique. Times on this workout were not as important today as some people opted for heavier slower versions of the workout while other kept it a bit lighter so they could move through a faster.

Deadlift- 3×3
Three singles each set
Each working set is heavy after a warm up set
Last set should be around 85 percent of 1rm

5 Deadlift M 275-185 W 185-105
10 Kettlebell push press M 53-35 W 30-20
5 Deadlift
15 Kettlebell push press
5 Deadlift
20 Kettlebell push press
5 Deadlift
15 Kettlebell push press
5 Deadlift
10- Kettlebell push press
5- Deadlift

May 11, 2010