
April 15, 2010

April 15th

2009 Crossfit Games Champion Tanya Wagner had a speech featured in the Crossfit Journal discussing scaling up for elite athletes. It went right along with our workout today which was very easily scaled to any fitness level and easily scaled up to challenge firebreathers to not to get too comfortable and “still be in the race”. Five of our athletes wore weight vests throughout the day to go over prescribed on the workout and kept them challenged during the workout!


4×7- Straight leg deadlift

4×5 – Muscle-up progressions
4x- Max rep muscle ups

Run 500m
42 hand to hand swings
21 ring dips
Run 500m
30 hand to hand swings
15 ring dips
Run 500 m
18 hand to hand swings
9 ring dips

April 15, 2010