
March 20, 2010

March 20th

Which is longer? Explaining the workout or the WOD? And remember on those 800m runs its slightly shorter if you cut to the right. This workout was a lot of fun. Way to push yourself today Rogue athletes!


800m Run

10-1 Deadlifts (135 / 95)
20-11 Pushups
100m Run
1- Box Jump (3′ / 2′)

800m Run

*This workout starts with an 800m run. Athletes then will do 10 deadlifts, 20 pushups, run 100m, jump on a box, 9 deadlifts, 19 pushups, run 100m, jump on a box, 8 deadlifts, 18 pushups, run 100m, jump on a box. This pattern will continue until 1 deadlift, 11 pushups, run 100m, jump on a box, then finish with 800m run.

March 20, 2010