
March 2, 2010

March 2nd

Today we reviewed the ring work from yesterday in the during the skill session. Ring dips are typically very difficult for females and but some of our female clients Caroline and Caitlin in particular, were hitting good range of motion on the dips. Strength and conditioning at 6:30 was exciting as Sara Dewberry put some of the final touches on her sectional qualifier prep and some of our best male athletes went at it in a competition style workout! It was a fun day with some really solid night sessions! Prop’s to Caitlin for gutting through the wod nearly rx’d, chest to bar, and clapping push-ups!

4×5 weighted ring dips
4×10 Ab ring pull-ins

5 Rounds
10 chest to bar pull-ups
10 kettlebell push press 53/35
10 knees to elbows
10 clap push-ups
10 sumo deadlift high pull 115/75
2 minute rest after each round score total time

March 2, 2010