
December 31, 2010

December 31st

We had a great turnout today at 12noon. The packed class brought awesome intensity, made some big lifts in the deadlift skill session, and pushed it hard through the WOD. The workout had some basic movements and we threw in some tricky ones. The 2 fer 1 wallball’s can be a tough rep when you are out of breath. Watch out face!!

Happy New Years!!! Have a safe weekend. No class tomorrow (Saturday January 1st, 2011)

Light warm up- 3×5
Heavy warm up- 3×3
Heavy singles 5×1 (80-90% 1rm)

50- Double Unders
40- Chest to bar Pull-ups
30- Deadlifts (185/115)
20- Wallball (2-fer-1’s)

December 31, 2010