
November 30, 2010

November 30th

Today was a strong focus on one of the most fundamental movements in CrossFit….the squat. An athlete’s ability to squat is so vital to full body strength, core, and transfer of power. Our skill session taught our athletes to move load fast. Working at around 50-60% of their 1 rep max back squat load, they were to do 2 reps as fast as possible, under control.

The workout called for a combination of both speed and endurance as well as gymnastic strength.

Remember to take care of your body. Some mobility issues can sometimes be fixed in a few minutes a day. Check out this blog! (copy and past this link)

From nov 30th

Speed Squats
Load-(50-60% 1RM back squat)
Every minute on the minute do 2 back squats


Tabata Squats
4:00 minutes- Max Muscle Ups

Tabata- 8 rounds of :20sec work/:10sec rest
Score= lowest round of squats x max reps muscle ups

*sub for muslce up
2- shoot-thru’s = 1 muscle up
1- 12′ rope climb= 2 muscle ups
3 pullups/3 ring dips= 1 muscle up

November 30, 2010