
November 23, 2010

November 23rd

“Rogue Recipe for a Great Work Out”

Lots of Loud music (optional)
2- Bumper plates (add more for a spicy taste)
1- Barbell
Hang-Power cleans
24″-Box jumps

Classes were packed and the intensity was awesome! 5:30 was insane with 15 people getting after it!! Jake Fanning and Phil Tassi both stepping up a notch and going 185lbs on the hang cleans was impressive. This same workout done earlier in the day by Dave Ulmer using 185lbs… his time= 4:11, yikes! Watch out for this guy come 2011 CrossFit sectionals/regionals.

Thanksgiving Thursday= NO CLASS
Friday- 12noon class only

Clean Pull
Hang Power Clean
Front Squat
Power Clean or Squat Clean

3 Rounds
6- Hand Power Clean (155/95) Elite (185/115)
9- Burpees
6- Hang Power Clean
12- Box Jumps (24″/20″)

Dave Ulmer- 4:11 (185)
Elyse Persico- 6:38 (105)

November 23, 2010