
November 19, 2010

November 19th

Today was another exciting day and an awesome end to the work week! The 5:30 class was packed full of athletes who came with their game faces on! The wod was a combination of snatches, burpee box jumps, and double unders. This workout was an awesome test of explosive cardio!

Snatch complex
Snatch grip Deadlift
Hang power snatch
Power Snatch

15 Hang power snatch 95/55
15 Burpee box jump 24/20
10 Double unders
12 Hang power snatch
12 Burpee box jump
20 Double unders
9 Hang power snatch
9 Burpee box jump
30 Double unders
6 Hang power snatch
6 Burpee box jump
40 Double unders
3 Hang power snatch
3 Burpee box jump
50 Double unders

Top Times
Alex Whitsel- 8:44
Louisa Mezache- 12:17 (subbed 3x single jumps)

Double unders

From Drop Box


From Drop Box
From Drop Box

November 19, 2010