
November 13, 2010

November 13th

Its always fun to mix things up with the workouts and doing a team WOD is just the treat. Team workouts are always fun and especially with a beautiful Saturday in the middle of November. We had a large class today, a drop in, and new member ready to hit it hard! The workout was fairly simple, each athlete had 30 reps of each movement to do and some running. However, with the added twist of holding a bumper plate during the whole workout made it that more fun! Great work to everyone who came out and gutted through this one, have a safe weekend!

Team’s of 2
500m Run (each athlete runs 500m)
60- Wallball
60- KB Swing (53/35)
60- Overhead Walking Lunge
Suicide Run (approx. 300m with 5 turn arounds)
60- Push Press (65/95)
60- Row (Calories)
60- Burpees
500m Run

*each team has a 45lb or 25lb plate
*while one person was working the other had to hold the plate
*the plate was not allowed to touch the ground at any point during the entire workout

From group pic

November 13, 2010