
November 12, 2010

November 12th

Today’s workout brought out a ton of intensity in the classes. Ohio Sectional winner Dan Bailey dropped in today to a stacked 5:30 class full of firebreathers. Dan had today’s best performance, and showed why he is one of the best in game.

Hang squat clean- 3×5
Toes to bar- 3×7 (no kipping)

10 Min AMRAP
Athletes must complete 20 air squats at the beginning of the workout and every 2 minutes during the amrap.
5 Sumo deadlift high pull 95/65
5 Box jump 24/20
* Athletes wore fully loaded 45 lbs vests!
Top Score
Dan Bailey- 14 rounds + 5 high pulls

From Drop Box
From Drop Box

November 12, 2010