
November 6, 2010

November 6th

This Saturday class was packed and people came ready to get after it! Carolyn Hunter, being her curious self, asked “what is the purpose of this workout?” We quickly found out how much grip, explosiveness and low back/core endurance was required. Although the load was fairly light on the deadlifts, high sets of 15 reps really take a toll on the grip and midline. It looked like a CrossFit competition in here today with athletes really pushing themselves to the max. Great job everyone!

3 sets
1- Power Clean
2- Hang Power Clean
1- Push Jerk

5 Rounds
5- Clean & Jerk (155/105)
20- AB Mat sit ups
15- Deadlifts (155/105)
10- Push-ups (Hand release)

November 6, 2010